Source code for pybtex_docutils


The backend renders :class:`pybtex.richtext.Text` instances
into a list of :class:`docutils.nodes.Node` instances.
For typical use cases, all you need to care about are the methods
:meth:`Backend.citation`, and
which are to be called on *formatted* entries.

Unless you are subclassing :class:`Backend` to create a new backend,
you should normally not import the :mod:`pybtex_docutils` module directly.
Instead, use pybtex's plugin system to get the :class:`Backend` class.

.. autoclass:: Backend
   :members: RenderType, paragraph, citation, citation_reference,
             footnote, footnote_reference

.. autoclass:: SimpleBibliography
   :members: run

import itertools
import os.path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Type

import docutils.nodes
import docutils.parsers.rst.directives as directives
import pybtex.database
import pybtex.plugin
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive
from pybtex.backends import BaseBackend
from pybtex.database.input.bibtex import Parser

    from import FormattedEntry

[docs]class Backend(BaseBackend): name = "docutils" symbols = { "ndash": [docutils.nodes.Text("\u2013")], "newblock": [docutils.nodes.Text(" ")], "nbsp": [docutils.nodes.Text("\u00a0")], } tags = { "emph": docutils.nodes.emphasis, # note: deprecated "em": docutils.nodes.emphasis, "strong": docutils.nodes.strong, "i": docutils.nodes.emphasis, "b": docutils.nodes.strong, "tt": docutils.nodes.literal, "sup": docutils.nodes.superscript, "sub": docutils.nodes.subscript, } RenderType: Type[List[docutils.nodes.Node]] = list # for compatibility only def format_text(self, text: str) -> List[docutils.nodes.Node]: return self.format_str(text) def format_str(self, str_: str) -> List[docutils.nodes.Node]: return [docutils.nodes.Text(str_)] def format_tag( self, tag_name: str, text: List[docutils.nodes.Node] ) -> List[docutils.nodes.Node]: if tag_name in self.tags: tag = self.tags[tag_name] return [tag("", "", *text)] else: return text def format_href( self, url: str, text: List[docutils.nodes.Node], external: bool = False ) -> List[docutils.nodes.Node]: node = docutils.nodes.reference("", "", *text, refuri=url) return [node] def write_entry(self, key: str, label: str, text: str) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("use Backend.citation() instead") def render_sequence( self, rendered_list: List[List[docutils.nodes.Node]] ) -> List[docutils.nodes.Node]: return list(itertools.chain(*rendered_list))
[docs] def paragraph(self, entry: "FormattedEntry") -> docutils.nodes.paragraph: """Return a docutils.nodes.paragraph containing the rendered text for *entry* (without label). .. versionadded:: 0.2.0 """ return docutils.nodes.paragraph("", "", *entry.text.render(self))
[docs] def citation( self, entry: "FormattedEntry", document: docutils.nodes.document, use_key_as_label=True, ) -> docutils.nodes.citation: """Return citation node, with key as name, label as first child, and paragraph with entry text as second child. The citation is expected to be inserted into *document* prior to any docutils transforms. """ # see docutils.parsers.rst.states.Body.citation() if use_key_as_label: label = entry.key else: label = entry.label name = docutils.nodes.fully_normalize_name(entry.key) citation = docutils.nodes.citation() citation["names"].append(name) citation += docutils.nodes.label("", label) citation += self.paragraph(entry) document.note_citation(citation) document.note_explicit_target(citation, citation) return citation
[docs] def citation_reference( self, entry: "FormattedEntry", document: docutils.nodes.document, use_key_as_label=True, ) -> docutils.nodes.citation_reference: """Return citation_reference node to the given citation. The citation_reference is expected to be inserted into *document* prior to any docutils transforms. """ # see docutils.parsers.rst.states.Body.footnote_reference() if use_key_as_label: label = entry.key else: label = entry.label refname = docutils.nodes.fully_normalize_name(entry.key) refnode = docutils.nodes.citation_reference("[%s]_" % label, refname=refname) refnode += docutils.nodes.Text(label) document.note_citation_ref(refnode) return refnode
[docs] def footnote( self, entry: "FormattedEntry", document: docutils.nodes.document ) -> docutils.nodes.footnote: """Return footnote node, with key as name, and paragraph with entry text as child. The footnote is expected to be inserted into *document* prior to any docutils transforms. .. versionadded:: 0.2.2 """ # see docutils.parsers.rst.states.Body.footnote() name = docutils.nodes.fully_normalize_name(entry.key) footnote = docutils.nodes.footnote(auto=1) footnote["names"].append(name) footnote += self.paragraph(entry) document.note_autofootnote(footnote) document.note_explicit_target(footnote, footnote) return footnote
[docs] def footnote_reference( self, entry: "FormattedEntry", document: docutils.nodes.document ) -> docutils.nodes.footnote_reference: """Return footnote_reference node to the given citation. The footnote_reference is expected to be inserted into *document* prior to any docutils transforms. .. versionadded:: 0.2.2 """ # see docutils.parsers.rst.states.Body.footnote_reference() refname = docutils.nodes.fully_normalize_name(entry.key) refnode = docutils.nodes.footnote_reference( "[#%s]_" % entry.key, refname=refname, auto=1 ) document.note_autofootnote_ref(refnode) document.note_footnote_ref(refnode) return refnode
[docs]class SimpleBibliography(Directive): name = "simplebibliography" required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0 final_argument_whitespace = True has_content = False option_spec = { "encoding": directives.unchanged, "style": directives.unchanged, } def run(self): parser = Parser(self.options.get("encoding", "utf-8-sig")) for filename_raw in self.arguments[0].split(): filename = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self.state_machine.document["source"]), filename_raw ) if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise self.error(f"could not open bibtex file {filename}") else: try: parser.parse_file(filename) except pybtex.database.BibliographyDataError as exc: raise self.error(f"bibliography data error in {filename}: {exc}") style = pybtex.plugin.find_plugin( "", self.options.get("style", "unsrt") )() backend = Backend() document = self.state_machine.document return [ backend.citation(style.format_entry(entry.key, entry), document) for entry in style.sort( ]